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Emilie Greece

International Recruiter

Emilie is originally from Denmark but she is now living in the popular city Chania on the Greek island Crete. She has a big and genuine passion for helping others start their own adventures around the world. Emilie sees this job as the greatest opportunity to change lives and enable others to reach their full potential. She has experienced the transformative power of living abroad firsthand, and therefore she is eager to help others discover the joys of crossing borders and living abroad.

Emilie spent her childhood summers road-tripping around Europe with her family in a cosy autocamper. With each new destination, her desire for adventure only grows stronger, which is what has given her the desire to pursue the dream of living under the palm trees.

After completing her studies in Graphic Design, Emilie decided to follow her dreams and move to Chania, Crete. Here, she has gained experience working in customer support as well as trying out a seasonal job in a leather store. The best part of moving to a new place is the chance to start afresh, exploring new countries and cultures, and meeting some of the best friends along the way. 

When Emilie is off work she enjoys spending time with her loved ones, doing ceramics, having an amazing cup of coffee or simply taking in the beauty of sunsets. 

Emilie is always up for trying new things, whether it's skydiving, climbing trees, or showing off her dance moves on the dance floor. But one thing she’s terrified of is deep water and ferries - but despite this, she has chosen to live on an island, because this decision brings her way more joy than fear.