Live and work in Cyprus​


Latest available jobs in Cyprus

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Spanish Customer Support, aviation industry – Larnaca

Exciting job opportunity in Cyprus for Spanish speakers! Customer service role with global brands. Paid flight and accommodation provided.

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Swedish Customer Support – Larnaca

Exciting job opportunity in Cyprus for Swedish people! Customer service role with global brands. Paid flight and accommodation provided.

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Norwegian Customer Support Agent for famous gaming console – Limassol

Do you speak Norwegian, do you have an EU passport, and do you have a passion for gaming consoles? Then you should come and work in sunny Cyprus! Apply today!


Cyprus uses the Euro (€) as its official currency like in many European countries

Famous people

Some notable Cypriots are Michalis Hatzigiannis and Anna Vissy


The island has a population of 1.2 million people, mainly living in coastal areas

Typical food

Fasolada (soup with white beans and vegetables), shaftalia (grilled sausage), fried halloumi cheese

Avg. working week

Cyprus has a 40-hour work week distributed over 8 hours daily, 5 days weekly


Cyprus is located north of Egypt, east of Greece, south of Turkey and west of Lebanon.


The official language is Greek & Turkish, and they use Greek letters as well


Cyprus has a well-developed healthcare system with modern facilities.

Work in Cyprus

Cyprus is a perfect country for working abroad because of the benefits regarding salaries, taxation and working conditions. The gross revenue in  Cyprus is a bit lower than other European countries, but the taxation rates are, by difference, way lower than that. Therefore,  it’s possible to obtain a net income higher in Cyprus than any other country. This is combined with a cheap lifestyle which means that if you’re looking to save money while exploring different cultures and nature at once: get a job in Cyprus and start living your life.

When you work in Cyprus you will also get health insurance, annual bonus, life insurance and pension contributions. The working hours are about 40 hours a week and the minimum vacation allowance is 21 days up to 25 days over time.

Work in Limassol

Limassol has all the common things you may find in any other big city in the world like industries,  commercial buildings, restaurants, bars and more, but with a chill atmosphere around. The local economy in Limassol is based on the trading, service, and tourism industry. If you are seeking for experience in the seafaring industry, Limassol is also perfect for you, but you’ll find all kinds of opportunities for expats to work in the customer service industry and its huge variety of alternatives. Taking a gap year job in Cyprus is a very popular option.

Taxation in Cyprus

After getting a job in Cyprus, and you have made your choice about which city will you live in, it’s important to register in the Civil Registry and Migration Department (CRMD) in order to obtain your Registration certificate, and then you can fill this form. Once you’ve done this, just scan both documents and send them by email to the corresponding department in your chosen city, which are these ones:

  • Nicosia:
  • Limassol:
  • Paphos:
  • Larnaca:
  • Famagusta:

Be sure to ask for your Unique Registration Number – necessary to register in TAXISnet (later on) and a representative of the Cyprus tax office will contact you to provide you one.  After this you’re ready to start making contributions and your salary is registered to pay at the end of the fiscal year. Expect to pay around 20% if you earn at least EUR 1.700 monthly and then it rises depending on your income. IMPORTANT: you DON’T pay taxes if you earn less than EUR 1625 per month. And remember, you only have to pay taxes if you live in Cyprus for more than 183 days during the calendar year.

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Life in Cyprus

When you live and work in Cyprus you will have a beautiful mix of Mediterranean charm and rich history. The island’s  beaches and crystal-clear waters create a relaxed lifestyle. You can explore ancient ruins, picturesque villages, and vibrant city centres.

The warm and welcoming Cypriot culture gives a strong sense of community and hospitality. The island’s location also makes it easy to travel to neighbouring countries. Cyprus offers a unique living experience, balancing modern amenities with a touch of island tranquility, making it an enticing place to call home.

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What you need to know about living and working in Cyprus

Cyprus is a beautiful country with mountains, 160 lovely beaches and an interesting fauna because of its location for migratory species. This island is also known as the land of Aphrodite (The Greek goddess of love). The legend says she was born from the sea foam on the southwestern coast of Cyprus. This country has passed through centuries of historical challenges with conquerors, pilgrims and travellers that have made the culture of Cyprus very rich and with a cosmopolitan but also provincial air.

Since they joined the European Union in 2004, Cyprus became a perfect location for settling businesses because of beneficial infrastructure, especially for IT and technological companies. This has increased the job availability for financial and corporate services which has contributed to a growing expat community, where it’s easy to get integrated. There is a low cost of living, taxes are low or none, and it’s a very safe place to live.

Basic facts about Cyprus

Cyprus is an island in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the capital is Nicosia. The population is 1.207 million people, most of them are Greeks, only one fifth part of the population is Turkish. Therefore, the official language is Greek, but most people speak one or two foreign languages like English, French or German. Their currency is the Euro (€) and it has a land area of 9.251km2 of valleys, mountains and beautiful beaches.

Cyprus has a mediterranean climate with all four seasons but the spring and autumn are not that long as you may experience in other countries. Moreover, summer is long and very hot, so it is a perfect destination for enjoying the beaches. The winters are rainy and you can find snow at the highest altitudes.

So if you like sun, summer, and a good time, you should definitely consider getting a job in Cyprus.

5 fun facts about Cyprus

  1. A whole town is world heritage: Cyprus has a very rich history, and as proof of that it still possesses the remains of ancient tombs, fortresses and palaces from 4th century B.C in the city of Paphos, so UNESCO declared the entire city as world heritage.
  2. The Oldest Wine Label: Cyprus has the oldest named wine label in the world. The commandaria wine emulates the essence of the very island in its flavour. It is said that Richard Lionheart, the British King, even called it “A wine of Kings and the King of wines”
  3. Their Carnival is a Dionysian blend: The carnival in Cyprus is the most organised and popular event in the island, with influences from venetian rules and old greek traditions this majestic and long event honours Dionysus God, the god of wine and fun, with masked parties, fancy dresses, serenades, music and dancing children in the 10 or 12 days before easter lent.
  4. Haloumi, the Cypriot majestic Cheese: This cheese belongs to Cyprus and is made from sheep and/or goat’s milk that’s been soaked in brine and mint, it can be eaten raw, grilled or fried and whatever form you choose it will surely taste like heaven.
  5. Tropical like climate: Cyprus has the great amount of 320 days of sunshine during the year, that means 8 months of sunny weather, and even the winter months (January and february) are not that cold with a temperature of 14 – 18 ºC

The cultural heritage of Cyprus

Cyprus’s history has been shaped by its beneficial position, where it has been exposed to a number of different cultures and civilizations that have occupied the country during a certain period of time. This has left a merge of different customs and historical remains in the country. Right now the island is divided into the occupied side and the republic side, where most Greek people live.

The Greek Cypriots have retained their ancient, Byzantine-style cuisine and their own distinctively Byzantine language and dialect. The Turkish Cypriots have retained the same language, religion, and cultural traditions that they brought with them over the centuries, but they have adapted to a life in a largely Greek-speaking society.

Towards expats, the locals are friendly and it’s a safe place for locals and expats with low crime rates. Since the last occupation of the island was made from Britain, English is a common spoken language in Cyprus, which makes it perfect for foreigners. Due to this they also drive in the left side of the lane, like in the UK.

If you’re wondering about the lifestyle you can expect with a job in Cyprus, you must know that there are many social clubs in Cyprus. They have clubs for walking, sailing, card games, crafts, winemaking, dancing, touring, and so much more so you can join any of them to make new friends. And if you’re the party type you will find many nightspots in the big cities, and Ayia Napa being the most popular with an endless list of nightclubs and bars.

Traditional food in Cyprus

Having Greek roots and societies, it is no wonder that the food is very similar to some traditional Greek food. However the Cypriot food has subtle differences due to the natural resources in the island that have changed the usual recipes. Cypriot food includes souvlakia (grilled meat kebabs), shaftalia (grilled sausage), afella (pork marinated in coriander), fried halloumi cheese, olives, pitta bread, kolokasi (root vegetables), lamb, artichokes, chickpeas, and rabbit stews (stifado).

The flavours of Cypriot dishes are well seasoned with herbs and garlic and they use a lot of fruit along with many dishes so you can find fruit available all over the country in every corner.

Finding accommodation in Cyprus

Finding accommodation is not difficult in Cyprus. There are many options of furnished, unfurnished and with different traits according to your needs. The recommendation is to live near your job in order to minimise commuting time.

Here you have some great tips that will help you find accommodation when you find a job in Cyprus:

  1. Join local Facebook Groups: Depending on the city you’re working in, find a group about renting in that city.
  2. Network: Speak to your colleagues and the team in JobSqd to help you look for rental pportunities
  3. Try to arrange longer stays: The longer the contract, the lower the monthly fee is.
  4. Negotiate: Usually the market prices are below the offer you see, and you can use this argument to find a discount in the final price of rent.
  5. Be patient: There are many alternatives and you will probably be visiting a lot of apartments before finding the perfect one, so just be patient.

Cost of living in Cyprus

The average wage is around € 1400 in Cyprus and even though it’s lower than other countries in Europe, you will realise that you end up having more money saved than elsewhere due to low taxes and expenses. This is one of the main reasons why young people like to take a gap year job in Cyprus.

Here we will provide the average of the main expenses in Cyprus taking as reference the city of Limassol:

Accommodation*700 – 850
Leissure (cinema ticket)9
Domestic Beer3
Meal in a restaurant15
Fitness Club (monthly fee)63
Transport (monthly pass)40

* Prices can vary depending on the neighbourhood, the number of people living in the apartment and facilities.
**Depends greatly on your diet and which shops you buy food and drinks from.

Expats in Cyprus

There is a lot of diversity among people who live and work in Cyprus so you can find plenty of expat groups on social media. Also in your workplace you can often find like-minded people/expats and arrange meet-ups. But also, don’t forget to try to merge with Cypriots and be open to their customs and traditions, that way you learn something new.

Languages in Cyprus

If the language is something that worries you, then you can relax in Cyprus. Due to the fact that it’s such a diverse country with heritage of the many occupations, they speak at least 1 or 2 languages beside Greek and Turkish. Around 75% of the population speaks English fluently, 12% speak French and 5% speak German. However if you’re interested in learning Greek then it is worth mentioning that the Cypriot government has launched free courses to learn Greek.

Why Cyprus?

Choose working abroad in Cyprus because of the location. You will have the opportunity to directly interact with people from many different countries and cultures. Furthermore, you should choose Cyprus because of the warm climate, beaches, mountains, and valleys. Plus, the nightlife in Cyprus is amazing with so many night spots and bars in the cities. Due to low costs of living you will also be able to save money to keep travelling, if you desire. So, if you’re interested in an opportunity in Cyprus, don’t hesitate to contact us and we can help you through the entire process.

Still not convinced about Cyprus?

Cyprus is the island that effortlessly blends sun, sand, and adventure, and it is the perfect location if you desire a vibrant lifestyle. Picture yourself waking up to the gentle Mediterranean breeze, as you step outside to embrace a world of endless possibilities.

With its golden beaches and turquoise waters, Cyprus is a paradise for water lovers and beach enthusiasts. Dive into the sea, ride the waves, or simply soak up the sun while sipping on a refreshing cocktail. Oh, and a fun fact: Cyprus is rewarded for some of the cleanest and most beautiful beaches in Europe, including the legendary Aphrodite’s Rock. Legend has it that Cyprus is the birthplace of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, saying she rose from the sea foam near Paphos, blessing the island with eternal beauty and love. So, romance is always in the air here! Imagine strolling hand in hand with your loved one through enchanting vineyards or enjoying a candlelit dinner overlooking a breathtaking sunset.

The diverse beauty of Cyprus does not only translate to stunning nature and vibrant big cities, but also its unique “split personality”. In the south, you’ll find the vibrant Greek Cypriot-controlled Republic of Cyprus with its bustling cities, picturesque villages, and ancient treasures. Up north, the self-declared Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus offers a laid-back vibe, charming coastal towns, and a fusion of cultures. It’s like having two intriguing worlds in one captivating island.

But Cyprus isn’t just about beach life; it’s a cultural playground that will ignite your sense of exploration. Wander through the narrow streets of the capital city Nicosia, where ancient and modern coexist harmoniously. Visit charming villages like Lefkara, famous for its intricate lacework, or immerse yourself in history at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Paphos, home to stunning archaeological sites.

Cyprus also offers a bustling nightlife scene, with trendy bars, clubs, and live music venues that will keep your social calendar buzzing. Enjoy unforgettable nights out with friends, dancing to the rhythm of international DJs or grooving to traditional Greek tunes. And let’s not forget to highlight the mouthwatering cuisine. Everywhere in Cyprus you can indulge in meze which is a feast of small dishes that will take your taste buds on a flavourful journey. From grilled halloumi cheese to souvlaki and heavenly loukoumades (sweet honey puffs), your culinary adventure in Cyprus will be a true delight.

So your new home Cyprus awaits you with open arms, ready to shower you with sunshine, culture, breathtaking landscapes, and memories of a lifetime

Get a job in Cyprus and let your work adventure start.


No, as an EU citizen, you generally do not need a work visa to work in the Netherlands. EU citizens have the right to freedom of movement within the European Union, including the right to work in any EU member state without a work permit.

The official languages of Cyprus are Greek and Turkish. Greek is the most widely spoken language on the island, with the majority of the population using it as their first language. Turkish is predominantly spoken in the northern part of Cyprus. English is also widely understood and spoken, particularly in tourist areas, major cities, and among younger generations. Many Cypriots are bilingual, and English is commonly used in business, education, and tourism sectors.

Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The summers are long and hot, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F), while the winters are mild, with temperatures averaging around 15°C (59°F). The island receives most of its rainfall between November and March.

Cyprus has a decent transportation system, although it can vary in quality depending on the area. Major cities like Nicosia, Limassol, and Larnaca have relatively good public transportation networks, including buses and taxis. Intercity bus services are available, connecting different regions of the island. Private car ownership is also common in Cyprus, and the road network is generally well-maintained. However, public transportation options may be limited in some rural areas, so it’s advisable to have access to a car for convenient travel. Note that if you are renting a car and planning on driving to the northern part of Cyprus, some rental places do not provide insurance if crossing those borders.

Cyprus has a well-developed healthcare system. The country provides both public and private healthcare services. The public healthcare system is funded by the government and is accessible to all residents through the General Healthcare System (GHS). The private healthcare sector also offers high-quality medical services, and many residents and visitors choose to opt for private healthcare due to shorter waiting times and a wider range of options. Overall, Cyprus has a good standard of healthcare with modern facilities and well-trained medical professionals.

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