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Mariam Ben Said

International Recruiter

Meet Mariam, the vibrant and multiculturally enriched recruiter at Job Squad. Originally from Venezuela and Morocco, Mariam was raised in Belgium and now calls the sunny Canary Islands her home.

What Mariam loves most about her role as a recruiter is the opportunity to meet new individuals and discover their unique profiles. Every interaction brings a fresh perspective and expands her understanding of the world. Mariam firmly believes that human knowledge is an ever-growing treasure.

But how did Mariam find herself living abroad? Well, it all began with a longing for exploration and a desire to escape the cold and grey of Belgium. Tenerife, with its blend of Latin, European, and African cultures, beckoned to her. After diligently searching for a job, Mariam's dream materialized. Before she knew it, she was basking under the warm African sun, feeling a sense of home away from home.

Moving to a new place has its perks, and for Mariam, it's all about immersing herself in the local culture, connecting with the people, and indulging in the tantalizing cuisine. When she's not busy helping others embark on their own journeys abroad, Mariam has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She delves into topics like philosophy, religion, and astronomy, always seeking something new to learn.

Mariam cherishes quality time with her loved ones, including her family, friends, and, of course, her beloved cat. A special aspect of Mariam's identity is her rich blend of three different cultures, which she carries in her heart.

And here's a quirky tidbit about Mariam: she enjoys a cup of coffee in the evening and has no trouble falling asleep afterward, defying conventional wisdom!

When it comes to moving abroad, Mariam's advice is profound yet straightforward. She urges people to take others' personal experiences with a grain of salt and discover the journey for themselves. Approaching new experiences with an open mind and heart allows for the most profound personal growth.

In her background, Mariam's educational journey led her to study law, but her true passion lies in recruitment. Moving from Belgium to Tenerife was an opportunity to embrace the island's radiant sunshine and gaze in awe at its breathtaking night skies. Astronomy and nature captivate her, and she finds pure joy in the simple pleasures of life, especially when surrounded by animals.

Reach out and get all the help you need to find your new home away from home with assistance from Mariam.