Get a job in Turku


Life in Turku

Turku offers a dynamic living environment with excellent education and research institutions, festivals, culinary delights, and a strong sense of community. You can make the most of your day by starting at the iconic Turku Castle with guided tours and exhibitions. Then, take a stroll along the Aura River and enjoy the picturesque scenery. Visit the Turku Cathedral and explore the nearby Luostarinmäki Handicrafts Museum with traditional Finnish crafts. Finally, immerse yourself in the vibrant market square, Kauppatori, where you can sample local foods, browse through the stalls, and soak in the lively atmosphere.

Work in Turku

  • Average working hours per week: 36 to 40 hours, 7 to 8 hours daily
  • Typical working day: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 or 6:00 pm
  • Number of Vacation days: 5 weeks divided into 4 weeks of summer vacation and 1 week of winter holiday.
  • Commute: Mostly by train, tram and bus
  • Work culture: Relatively flat hierarchy 

Read more about Moving to Finland



You can move to Turku by yourself, with a friend or as a couple. There are pros and cons to all of the situations. If you consider moving abroad with any kind of friend it can be a really good idea to sit down and talk through practical and everyday stuff such as economy, bills, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking vs ordering, going out/staying in, how you deal with potentially going out without each other as well as having friends and family visiting (from near and far and extended visits). Apart from the practical arrangements, life is fun when you can share your new core memories with other people – so it is very recommendable to move abroad together. Moving with a friend can cause you to interact less with new people compared to if you move abroad by yourself. But if this is a good or a bad thing entirely depends on your personal goals and wishes as well as your personality.

Conclusion: communication is key if you and your friend decide to move abroad together

Finland’s public transport is well-working with good long-distance connections as well as commuting within the cities. The main form of transport in Finland is trains and buses, and within the cities there are also trams. The prices of tickets have become cheaper over the years. You can buy tickets using the HSL mobile app, in ticket machines, and R-kiosks in the city. “Helsinki card” holders are able to travel for free on buses.

One of the best locations in Turku to live on a budget is the district of Varissuo. It offers a range of affordable housing options, including apartments and rental homes. Another affordable neighbourhood is Lauste, known for its residential area with reasonably priced apartments and proximity to amenities such as shopping centers and parks.

The cost of household and bills in Turku can vary depending on factors such as the size and location of the accommodation, as well as personal lifestyle choices. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center can range from around 600 EUR to 900 EUR, while outside the city center, it can range from around 500 EUR to 750 EUR. Utilities such as electricity, water, heating, and internet can add an additional cost of around 100 EUR to 200 EUR per month.

Finland has a predominantly temperate climate characterised by four distinct seasons. The climate varies across the country, with the northern regions experiencing colder temperatures and longer winters compared to the southern parts. Summers in Finland are generally mild to warm, with average temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25°C. Winters can be cold, with temperatures often dropping below freezing, and snow is common. The spring and autumn seasons bring milder temperatures and colourful foliage, making them popular times to visit.

Still not sure about moving to Turku?

In Turku, there are several affordable restaurants, pubs, and clubs to explore. For cheap eats, head to the Old Great Square (Vanha Suurtori) area, where you can find budget-friendly restaurants offering Finnish and international cuisine. Another option is to visit the Kuppittaa district, known for its student-friendly atmosphere and affordable dining options. When it comes to pubs and clubs, the Keskusta neighbourhood and the riverside area near the Aura River offer a range of establishments with reasonable prices and a lively atmosphere, especially during weekends.

Also, make sure to try some of the local dishes that offer a great taste at an affordable price. Start with “rönttönen,” a traditional savory pastry filled with rice, minced meat, and spices. Another popular choice is “makaronilaatikko,” a Finnish-style macaroni casserole made with ground meat, macaroni, and a creamy sauce. Additionally, you can enjoy a delicious and budget-friendly meal of “lihapiirakka,” a savoury meat-filled pastry that is a favorite among locals.

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