Well, it all started when I went to Malta for a vacation for 5 days and then I absolutely loved the weather, the people and the nightlife.
After I returned to Sweden I was looking for jobs near to the city I lived it, but I could not shake the feeling of living abroad. So I thought, why not get a job abroad? -Said and done, I texted my friend in Malta, and he gave me the contact information for Linda, and I sent her my CV. From there it all escalated fast and a few days later I was moving to Malta. The process was simple, fast and felt easy.
Linda took really nice care of me, she made me feel at home and has become a good friend of mine. I never thought when I left my family in Sweden that I would find a family in Job Squad.
It was truly nerve-wracking, my thoughts were like “Will I be good enough?” “Will people like me?” and “Will I be able to stay focused?” But the first days passed so quickly, and I felt at home instantly.
I am super happy that I moved!
My biggest challenge was to let go of the life I left at home, family, and friends and start a new life in a foreign country.
The most memorable moment (so far) was climbing a cliff, with my boyfriend at the time, and watching the sunset. At that moment I thought that ” I am a traveler” and someday I will be able to say “I’ve seen the world!” to be able to realize what you want out of life and have a goal is a very memorable feeling. – I would never have had that if I did not move abroad!
The best advice I can give is to go into it with an open mind and do it. Be sure what you want to do and then don’t be afraid to do it! Do whatever you want as long as you are brave enough to do it.
My biggest learning experience is that even when everything seems to fall apart. If you just stay focused and determined you can overcome most!
Humans are incredible
Especially Brave humans!