
EU and non-EU: 5 reasons why EU citizens can get a job easier within EU

Getting a job in EU is not equally easy for EU and non-EU citizens. Nowadays it is common that the...

Pernille H. A. June 29, 2023
5 mins to read
Candidate’s story: Chloé from France, living Athens

What made you want to go abroad? And where did you find a job?The desire to travel has always been...

Milan C. June 7, 2023
1 min to read
Candidate’s story: Ben & Philip from Denmark, living in Lisbon

We thought it would be fun and a good challenge to move to another country. We found it online, On...

Milan C.
1 min to read
Candidate’s story: Jounes from Sweden, living in Ireland

I am 28 and moved from Sweden to Ireland, I moved abroad to be independent in a different country. I...

Milan C.
1 min to read
Candidate’s story: Clémence from France, living in Amsterdam

My studies didn’t allow me to have experience abroad. So I chose to go abroad on my own to improve...

Milan C.
2 mins to read
Candidate’s story: Magnus from Denmark, living in Belfast

I had been looking for a job for a while and I always liked the UK so when I got...

Milan C.
1 min to read
Candidate’s story: Nadja from Denmark, living in Tallinn

I always had a wish to live and work abroad. While growing up I looked at my aunt living and...

Milan C.
1 min to read
Candidate’s story: Antti from Finland, living in Athens

Greetings from Athens! I am Antti and my educational degree is in construction I have been building houses for the...

Milan C.
3 mins to read
Candidate’s story: Steffen from Sweden, living in Athens

So about 2-3 weeks I ago I was just surfing on social media and randomly saw a new group called,...

Milan C.
2 mins to read
Candidate’s story: Alexos from Sweden, living in Cyprus

I saw an ad online telling me about Cyprus and Limassol and the job I became interested right away. It...

Milan C.
1 min to read