Live and work in Estonia

Tallinn estonia

Latest available jobs in Estonia

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Danish Media Monitoring Specialist – Tallinn

Are you a native Danish speaker and good with the written word then this might be exactly the role for you in beautiful Tallinn!

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Norwegian Media Monitoring Specialist – Tallinn

Join our team in Tallinn, Estonia, where we monitor and summarize news media broadcasts, requiring high work capacity, fluent Norwegian and English, efficient writing skills, media industry interest, political knowledge, and teamwork. Apply now!


The Euro (€) has been the official currency in Estonia since 2011

Famous people

Some famous Estonian people are Andrus Veerpalu, Karmen Pedaru, A. H. Tammsaare


Estonia has ~1.3 million, residents, most of them living in Tallinn

Typical food

Verivorst (blood sausage), lots of fish from the Baltic Sea, rye bread, potatoes, pork

Avg. working week

Estonia has an average of 40 hour work week, 8 hours daily, 5 days a week


The northeastern European country Estonia borders the gulf of Finland and is situated below Sweden. The capital city is Tallinn


The official language is Estonian, and they use the Latin script


The majority of healthcare is paid for by the state via Estonian Health Insurance Fund if you have a work contract for at least one month (see more in FAQ)

Work in Estonia: All you need to know

Even though Estonia is not as common as other European countries regarding expat destinations, the popularity is rising, because they are prioritising development and expansion. Estonia might not be your initial thought when choosing to work abroad. But the fact that Estonia offers a high standard of living while keeping costs low, combined with how fast they are growing economically makes this place a really good start to a new, exciting life

If you already know all the advantages this unique country gives to internationals, check out our job offers in Tallinn. If you would like to find out more, keep reading.

Work in Estonia

If you like straightforward communication and solving everything on the internet you should know that this is the common work style in Estonia. 99% of public services are online, so everything can be done digitally and they are very open-minded about young people leading teams or even companies. If you’re young and looking for your special career, this country will give you the opportunity to grow in that field.

Working abroad in Estonia is not very common for young people, but this is often due to lack of knowledge. Estonia offers work benefits including pension, paid leaves, employment insurance, and dental health. Furthermore, there are supplementary benefits like health insurance by the government and often companies even include benefits like paid gym? And this with an average salary in Estonia is €2618 with working hours of 8 hours per day, 5 days a week and 28 days of vacation annually.

Work in Tallinn

Tallinn is the financial and business capital of Estonia. They have an increasing economy and provide over half of the GDP of the country. The economic sector is led by information technology, logistics and tourism with their harbour on the Baltic coast. It has a growing expat community with a wealth of job opportunities.

Tallinn is recognised as one of the top digital and smart urban cities in the world. It’s well connected which improves the work-life balance with a minimal amount of commuting. It’s a cosmopolitan city but also has its historical side. Tallinn’s old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so you can appreciate both worlds: the most technologically advanced and the mediaeval one, in just one place.

Taxes in Estonia

In Estonia your personal ID is enough for taxation purposes. The first thing you need to do is to request your personal ID code, and you only need your passport as an EU citizen. Find more information about this on the city of Tallinn website. After this you’re ready to start your job journey and your salary is registered to pay at the end of the fiscal year a flat rate of 20%.

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Life in Estonia

Estonia is a country of forests, digital wonders, and boundless opportunities for adventures. With its efficient public transport, affordable cost of living, and welcoming atmosphere, it’s and ideal environment for expats. Estonia is a digital paradise, with a tech-savvy culture that has earned it the nickname “E-stonia”. Take part in the thriving start-up ecosystem and innovative digital initiatives. You can also become an e-resident of Estonia with access to online business opportunities and a unique digital identity.

Click here to see the latest jobs in Estonia

Basic facts about Estonia 

The Republic of Estonia is a country in Northern Europe, bordered by Latvia and Russia. It takes up an area of 45,338 km² and around 1.3 million people live there. The currency has been the euro (€) since 2011. You can experience four distinct seasons, with mild summers and cold winters.  In a country of forests and extremely clean air, the expat community is relatively small but vibrant. 

5 fun facts about Estonia

  1. It is mandatory to have safety reflectors when you walk or bike at night. Otherwise, you can get a fine of up to €400.
  2. You probably didn’t know that Estonia is the motherland of Skype. It’s for sure a technologically advanced nation. 
  3. Earth in Estonia is considered to be one of the cleanest in the entire world! One of the reasons why might be that around 50% of the territory is covered by forests.
  4. In the capital city, Tallinn, public transportation is free to make it more attractive, choosing to reduce pollution emission. 
  5. Suur Munamägi is the highest point in Estonia. It is 318 metres, so you can imagine the entire country is pretty flat. 

Nurtured culture in Estonia

Estonia has had its own distinct culture for thousands of years. Folk songs, dance, and handcraft all have a strong reference to modern traditions. There are many events organised in Estonia during the year where the main topics are national customs. 

Family is the central focus of social life and hierarchy plays an important role, which means that age, experience, and position matter

Estonians tend to be rather quiet and reserved. They don’t like to draw attention to themselves, and they develop relationships over time – and they will open up over time. Titles like Mr or Mrs are also very important, and you can use the first names once you are invited to do so. It’s also of high importance to be on time, as punctuality is appreciated. Same goes for keeping your word, and they respect being rational. All of this might seem a little bit strict, but don’t be afraid. It’s easier to adjust to in real life than you think. 

Extraordinary cuisine in Estonia 

National cuisine in Estonia is closely connected to the seasons. The key ingredients are potatoes, pork, and rye bread, and in the coastal areas also fish. They love dairy products as well. Traditionally Estonians season dishes only with salt and pepper, which is why Estonian cuisine is not spicy nor very seasoned. This doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a lot of delicious and unique meals you should try being there. Even though it might seem special at first, give it a chance and let yourself be surprised. 

Here you can take a look at some of the popular Estonian dishes:

  1. Kohuke – sweet snack
  2. Kohupiimakreem – crud cheese with vanilla sugar and ice cream 
  3. Kiluvõileib – open faced sandwich with a sprat filet 
  4. Hernesupp Suitsulihaga – pea soup with smoked pork hock
  5. Sült – meat jelly

Renting in Estonia

Finding accommodation in Estonia is not difficult, and the prices vary depending on the location. Living in the city centre of Tallinn may cost more than in the outskirts of the city. And living in Tartu is in general cheaper. However, the prices all together are not sky-rocketing so you can find flatshares and apartment renting for reasonable prices

The best websites to find accommodation in Estonia are city24,, and There are particular things you should know before renting in Estonia:

  • Ask if the building has an active apartment cooperative.
  • Ask the neighbours how it is to live there.
  • Take into account the winter expenses, you can ask for the previous winter bill.

Cost of living in Estonia

Costs of living in Estonia are low compared to other countries in Europe. However, it’s higher than in its Baltic neighbours. Salaries are proportional to expenses and the standard of living is high. For this reason, you can afford a nice life as an expat. Of course, expenses vary depending on how close to the city centre you live in or what season. Here you can take a look at a few examples of basic everyday living costs: 


Cost in Euro





Public transport (single ticket)


Mobile rate (per minute)


Fitness club pass




Pint of beer 


Cinema ticket




* Prices can vary depending on the neighbourhood, the number of people living in the apartment and facilities.

**Depends greatly on your diet and which shops you buy food and drinks from.

Expats in Estonia

You can find a lot of expat groups on social media, especially in the capital city. Look at their comments about the country, tips and adverts. Maybe someone is currently looking for somebody to meet for coffee and or flatmate. You can also pay attention to events organised in your neighbourhood. The more you will socialise the faster you will feel at home in a new place

Also, you can make friends at work. After all, that is why you came here. It’s always good to have contact with colleagues. No matter if they will be locals or expats, everybody will have something interesting to say. Don’t be afraid to meet people, ask and share your experience. 

Where to learn Estonian

The official language is Estonian, but Russian is also widely used. Even when the majority of people speak English, it will be useful if you know the basics of the language to communicate. If you’re thinking about staying longer in Estonia to build your career here, then you need to learn more than the basics of the language. To do so, you get a free welcoming program with courses to all foreigners who have lived there for less than 5 years (Level A1). Also, there are apps like Lingvist or Speakly

To reach a higher level you could try online courses with Keeleklikk or Keeletee, or Facebook groups where you can arrange meetings to practise the language with other people.

Why Estonia

Estonia is a thriving country with a market open to fresh minds. High standards of living, relatively low costs and great work opportunities with a lot of perks make this place worth considering.

If you feel like this digitally developed country is a place for you, you are welcome to check our Job offers in Tallinn. When the time for leaving home will come, our guidance about how to prepare beforehand might be helpful for you. You can access it by clicking HERE.

Still not convinced about Estonia?

The charming capital city Tallinn will take you away to a fairy-tale state of mind with cobblestone streets, charming towers and colourful merchant houses. Tallinn’s Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is remarkably preserved, making you feel like you’ve stepped back in time.

Estonia, particularly in cities like Tallinn, has a fun nightlife. The capital city offers a wide range of bars, clubs, pubs, and lounges catering to different tastes and preferences. The Old Town of Tallinn is particularly known for its lively atmosphere with numerous bars and clubs. Additionally, during weekends and holidays, there are often events, concerts, and festivals that contribute to the energetic nightlife in Estonia.

Estonians have a deep-rooted love for saunas, which is a traditional steam bath ritual. Embrace this cultural tradition by indulging in a sauna session with friends or even floating in a frozen lake before diving back into the warmth. It’s an invigorating and relaxing experience that will leave you refreshed and rejuvenated.

Nature lovers will also find their paradise in Estonia’s pristine landscapes. Immerse yourself in the tranquillity of dense forests, where ancient trees whisper stories of the past. Explore Lahemaa National Park, where the coastlines meet picturesque bogs, or explore to Soomaa National Park, where you can canoe through flooded forests during spring.


No, if you are an EU/EEA/Switzerland citizen you do not need a work permit to work during the first three months, and apply for an ID card within the first month of your stay. You can read more about it here.

Estonia experiences a temperate seasonal climate. Summers are mild and relatively short, with average temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F). Winters, on the other hand, are cold and snowy, with average temperatures ranging from -5°C to -10°C (23°F to 14°F), although it can occasionally drop even lower. Spring and autumn are transitional seasons, with temperatures varying between 5°C and 15°C (41°F and 59°F). The weather in Estonia can be quite changeable, so it’s advisable to be prepared for different conditions throughout the year.

Estonia has efficient public transport. In Tallinn it is recommended to use bus, tram, trolleybus, train, and ferry. All public transport is free for people registered as living in Tallinn. You can buy tickets by sending an SMS or by downloading the Tabnet app on your phone. And it is also possible to purchase tickets in the ticket machines and offices when you travel.

Yes, and the majority of healthcare is provided and paid for by the state via Estonian Health Insurance Fund. In order to be entitled to this fund you need to be employed with a contract for at least one month OR be a permanent or temporary resident and therefore pay premiums into voluntary insurance.

There are various job opportunities available in Estonia for individuals during their gap year. Popular options include working in the hospitality industry, such as hotels, restaurants, and cafes, where positions like waitstaff, bartenders, or hotel receptionists may be available. English teaching positions, especially for native English speakers, can be found in language schools or as private tutors. Additionally, seasonal jobs in tourism, such as tour guides or event staff, can also be sought after during peak travel seasons.

The cost of living in Estonia is generally lower compared to many other European countries. Monthly expenses can vary depending on the location, lifestyle, and personal choices. On average, a single person can expect to spend around €600 to €1000 per month on accommodation, utilities, groceries, transportation, and entertainment. Rent prices can range from €300 to €700 for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center, with lower prices available in suburban areas. It’s worth noting that prices can be higher in the capital city of Tallinn compared to other regions of Estonia.

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